As successive Human Development Reports have
shown, most people in most countries have
been doing steadily better in human development.
Advances in technology, education and
incomes hold ever-greater promise for longer,
healthier, more secure lives.1
has on balance produced major human development
gains, especially in many countries of
the South. But there is also a widespread sense
of precariousness in the world today—in livelihoods,
in personal security, in the environment
and in global politics.2
High achievements on
critical aspects of human development, such
as health and nutrition, can quickly be undermined
by a natural disaster or economic slump.
Theft and assault can leave people physically
and psychologically impoverished. Corruption
and unresponsive state institutions can leave
those in need of assistance without recourse.
Political threats, community tensions, violent
conflict, neglect of public health, environmental
damages, crime and discrimination all add
to individual and community vulnerability